Sunday, November 11, 2007

I'm no good at titles

Hi guys,

So on Friday, we had an opening for an exhibition called "Project U.F.O." here at Mcad. It was a 2 week long school competition in which every class within the design department (illustration, graphic design, type, comics, advertising)had to participate. So each individual class had a different assignment, but it somehow had to be focused on an unidentified Flying Object. The 6 best pieces from each class would get into a school-wide show (2 of mine got in, Yayyyy!).

Anyway, the reception was a lot of fun. We had blacklights, djs playing in this round table that looked like a ufo, and creepy alien decorations everywhere. Unfortunately, we didn't ahve a ton of food, so as soon as the food was gone people moved on to this other reception down the hall with a ton of Irish food, hahahha.

In other news, I saw the Velvet Teen and the A-sides last night which was AWESOME.

OH, and I created a de.lici.ous account and yeah, it might be helpful.. I've got a ton of links to artists' websites and reference stuff, so check it out!

Bye for now,


PS: If you have any friends or know anyone else who want to contribute, let me know and I can send them an invite!

1 comment:

Eline said...

oh mah gawd i have a as well