Saturday, April 26, 2008

O.k. first of all...sorry people that i have made all of you wait...but in this master year it suddenly got stressy and busy as hell...i also contributed to an exhibition in Brussels since it is 50 years ago that we had the world expo in the city...even had to do interview with german press about that...which was funny especially that little moment of silence between your own explanation of your work+'and if there are any questions...?' and the actual fire of questions...

Anyway no time a lot of stress and well than that colaboration piece gets lost somewhere between the clutter of that desktop and a few feet arround it:s

The good news is I just pushed myself in doing just something quick so i can send it to the next person...what did i do?...euhm well...just like Eline i found it a bit hard to do something...but cartography and mapping seems to become the theme so...i transformed one of the basic things you find on city maps...'the you are here circle'...i made a rule to find a place for it on the page...based on the 'golden section'...and instead of being a mark on the map i tried to make it more of a window...

i couldn't put as much time in as i wanted and therefore didn't do what i had planned (adding a whole extra, transparant layer...) but hope you all like it a bit in some way...

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