Friday, April 25, 2008

Long time no see.

Hello folks!

Sorry I haven't really written much in the last couple of weeks....
I had an stress allergy (I didn't know such thing exists!) for a week,
then I went to Berlin for a week and then to Milan for two weeks.

O o o good times I've been having!

Stockholm weather is nice. It's warm and I can go out with a thin jacket (yes, not warm enough for just tshirts yet!)

I was in Milan during the Milan Design Week 2008. Saw some good all the Dutch people here, YOU ALL ROCK - I was really impressed by the works from Eindhoven Design Academy and also other Dutch I have basically decided that will be my next destination.

Fabrica was also doing some cool or has anyone applied?? I am thinking about taking a year off to apply....or possibly do an exchange if it's not TOO late. So if there is anyone who wants to come to Konstfack (..maybe you, Eline?) We can exchange :)))) Hehehe....

I am still looking at some schools that are still accepting let me know if you know of any!

1 comment:

Eline said...

KONSTFACK DOESNT TAKE GRAPHIC DESIGN STUDENTS FROM OUR SCHOOL!!!!! omgawd when i found out i was so pissed. they only take ppl from our teacher course. so lame -_- anyways. i applied to bristol now. i know most of the deadlines for schools are the 1st of may i think so you just need to inform a little and see which ones are still open. I applied to Bristol now.