Tuesday, February 26, 2008

In Progress Advice?

Heyyyyyy everyone!

I've been working on this project for weeks and weeks in stages, and now a final poster image is due. Last week I had these two versions I was really happy with, but I had to change everything entirely for this week, and I'm not feeling too good about what I've come up with. Anyway, I am supposed to print it tomorrow and I would loveeeeeeeee it if anyone had some advice or constructive criticism for me. We had to choose a section of the school's library and create a "collage" poster that incorporated the text, abstract and representational imagery. I feel like I am either explaining this way too much or not enough, sorry. I think I'm at the point where I have been looking at it for so long that I have no idea if its good or if it's terrible, hahahahha.

Ok yeah so this is a screen grab of what I have so far, (I'm sure I'll be working on it for a couple more hours) and I'd love to hear any input anyone might have.



Filip said...

mmm...you hav got a nice diagonal composition...i think it's allready o.k. & it s hard to give comment just based on the image...but...I am intrigued by the background behind the person...if I was to try something...it would maybe be making the peron more of a collage too...for exemple replace his clothes by a cutout of the picture that is now the background...I am not sure if you need the text about "soo much you can't..."because for me the collage allready says that...but maybe that s just for me...maybe to compromise I would just leave the text but put the collage bigger so that it also ties together with the "Reference Section"...like on a cover of some magazines where the head of a model sometimes hides a bit of the magazinename...well hope this is of some help...they are but suggestions...good luck with it...

yutsak said...

yeah I agree with filip :)

Julie said...

Thanks for the input guys, I REALLY appreciate it.
I changed a few things, I'll have to show you an updated version soon. I still don't love it, but I did what I could...

I have been working on this poster and process book for 12 hours IN A ROW and I'm still not done, it's starting to make me go a little crazy.

Hannah said...

i really like the final!! i am sad you couldn't stick with your cool army guys though. (or whatever they were)