So yesterday I got bored and I made a collage that could be the start of a new collaboration piece if anyone is interested in giving it a go! I didn't want to just send it off to whoever because I'm not sure how busy everyone is and I don't want to force anyone to worry about it. But if anyone is interested, let me know and I'll send it your way!
I'll try to scan it sometime soon, also :D
PS: Euro 2008, I'm sure some of you are watching, right?!?! I'm addicted! The Spain/Russia game was SO GOOD!
I am having problems with y master proof so i better skip this collab piece:s
so funny you are addicted to european soccer :)
hah I can't help it, it's so fun to watch! And i actually understand it, haaaaaaaha. I went to a cub's baseball game with my friends a year or two ago and I had no idea what was going on at all.
oh baseball games can be so boring...i am glad we don't have that over here:)... belgium...when a woman/girl says she is interested in soccer she would always get the question "can you explain 'offside'?"...a quiet simple rule in soccer but a lot of women and girls don't seem to get it...really really strange:)
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