Thursday, November 29, 2007

What is Czech / Dutch Graphic Design?

Hi Guys/Girls,

at the moment a am making a monthly fanzine about my stay in Praha.
The fanzine also includes interviews /research etc.
So I have a question for you all, and hopefully you can give me an answer..
it is not important that the answer is officially correct, you do not have to do research before answering my question. You write write you think about it.
You would really help me.

-What is exactly (graphic) Czech Design? (What is
good/special/remarkable/bad/etc about it)

- What is exactly (graphic) Dutch Design?(What is
good/special/remarkable/bad/etc about it)

Please add also you name and study/occupation

Thank you very much!


Julie said...


Ok I'll answer your questions:
For me, I just found out about Ladislav Sutnar about a month or two ago and i fell in loovveee with his work. So he is definitely the first think I think of when I think of Czech design. And other than that, I honestly don't know very much about Czech design. I'd think more of older style posters, I guess.

Dutch design just immediately makes me think of modernism and clean work with nice typography.

Oh, and Julie and I'm studying Graphic design :)
Sorry if this isn't much help!

Mesh Print Club said...

Hi there,

Honestly about Czech design I don't know that much. Mayb it's more related to the constructivism and bauhaus. Last month I went to Romania for a workshop about Dutch design.
I have a great book about dutch design. contact me if you need some information